State of Mato Grosso, 105 km away from Cuiaba, capital of the State. With average annual temperatures of approximately 21 ⁰ C/69°F.


During the dry season (between May and September) is the best time to see animals pantaneiros. Is the ideal period for ecological walks and photographic safaris. During the rainy season (October to may), the flood season, the beauty of water and vegetation is indescribable. During this period the boats can make longer trips and excursions in 4 x 4 vehicle and horse become more exciting.


Pantanal Matogrossense National Park: the door of entrance to the Park is located in the municipality of Poconé, approximately 100 km away from Cuiabá. The Park was created in 1981 with the goal of protecting and preserving all the Pantanal as well as its ecosystem biodiversity. It has an area of 135,000 hectares and is considered by the UNESCO World Natural Heritage. Access is by waterway from Poconé. In its interior, more than 3,500 species of plants, 264 of fishes, 652 of birds, 102 of mammal, 177 of reptiles and 40 of amphibian. Terrestrial fauna is varied. You can see: Marsh deer, White Heron, snakes and alligators.

Rodovia Transpantaneira: it has 149 km unpaved road and is home to farms, hostels and typical animals of the region. Safari begins during the path, spotting deer, capybara, caimans, hawks, tuiuiús (typical Pantanal bird that can reach 1.50 meters high), Anteaters, among others.

Photographic safaris: the road can be done by truck, horse or boat. With a little bit of luck you will be able to see whole families of wolves-guarás, giant otters and the famous and dreaded Jaguars. For fishing enthusiasts, you can perform the piranha and lambaris fishing.


Further informations
- Airport:  Aeroporto Internacional de Cuiabá - Marechal Rondon 


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