Located in the municipality of Areia Branca, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, about 250 km away from Natal, the State capital. The average annual temperature is 27 ⁰ C/80°F.


Between August and March.


Beach - Praia da Ponta do Mel: it is ideal for those who enjoy rustic environment, contact with nature and peacefulness. The waters are crystal clear and peaceful. The place has structure of stands which offer  typical food and drinks of the region.

Rosado dunes: approximately 10 Km away from the beach, is the second largest collection of mobile dunes of Brazil. Here, the blue sea, red cliffs and colorful dunes form an unforgettable scenery.

Navy lighthouse: was built in the late 19th century, on top of a cliff with a heigh of 92 meters. Worth checking out!


Further informations
- Airport:  Aeroporto Internacional Governador Aluízio Alves


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